In a food processor place the bread and blitz until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the onion, cranberries, walnuts, mixed herbs, salt, pepper. Blitz a few times until combined but still a little chunky. Add the water, you may need to add extra water depending on your bread. Add enough water until the stuffing comes together and holds its shape once squeezed.
Place stuffing mixture into a bowl and set aside to prepare the chicken roll.
Trim chicken and add to food processor. Add onion, garlic, dried parsley, salt and pepper and blitz until it resembles chicken mince.
To form the chicken roll, add two lines of gladwrap to the bench.
Line the gladwrap with 12 rashers of bacon, slightly overlapping as you form a long line.
Place the chicken mince over the bacon forming an even layer.
Place the stuffing mixture in the centre of the chicken roll in a log shape.
Using the excess gladwrap, roll up the chicken mince over the stuffing forming a tight roll in the process. Watch the video that goes with this recipe on step by step rolling instructions.
Place chicken roll onto a tray and place into the refrigerator for a couple of hours to firm up.
After a few hours, remove gladwrap and place chicken roll onto a lined baking tray.
Bake at 180℃ for 30 minutes or until internal temperature is above 74℃.
Once cooked, let it cool completely before wrapping in gladwrap and placing back in the refrigerator. Once cold, it is ready to slice.