Dairy-Free Sweetened Condensed Milk in Under Ten Minutes
This is a very quick and easy recipe. Who knew it was so simple to make your own dairy-free sweetened condensed milk? I will never buy shop-bought again.
1cupswhite sugar I used 3/4 cup of sugar if you want to use less. It worked out just as good.
400mlCoconut Cream
pinch of salt
Place the sugar and coconut cream in a saucepan on low heat and bring to a simmer. Do not let the mix burn. You have to stir the whole time to keep it from catching on the bottom of the saucepan.You can put the heat up but again just be careful not to let it catch.You just want the sugar to be all dissolved.
Once it comes to a simmer remove from heat.
Place the condensed milk in a container or jar and let it cool before placing on the lid. It can be kept in the refrigerator for several months.
The milk-to-sugar ratio is two to one. However, you can get away with using less milk but just know it will be sweeter.