This recipe came to me just before last christmas. It is so incredibly delicious, you are going to want to give this a go! If you don't enjoy cherries try using either strawberries or raspberries.
250gfresh strawberriesor handful of fresh cherries
2chocolate flakesor your choice of chocolate
Make the chocolate mousse according to the packet directions. Make this up just before you are ready to assemble. You don't want the mousse to start setting.
Unroll the chocolate sponge and spread a layer of raspberry jam all over the sponge and roll the sponge back up.
Slice the sponge into even slices making sure you have enough slices to make two layers.
Strain the pre-thawed frozen saving the cherry juice for the sponge. Cut the cherries in half.
Whip the cream and set aside in the refrigerator until ready to assemble the trifle.
To assemble the trifle
First layer: layer the sponge slices at the bottom of the trifle or glass bowl. Spoon over half of the reserved cherry juice over the sponge layer.
Second layer: place half of the thawed cherries on top of the sponge.
Third layer: use half of the chocolate mousse and spread over the first two layers. Use one of the chocolate flakes and crush it while it's still in the packet. Spread the flake pieces over the chocolate mousse.
Fourth layer: spread half of the whipped cream over the chocolate mousse.
Repeat the four layers one more time.
Top with fresh halved cherries or sliced fresh strawberries.
Add more crushed chocolate flake over the top.
Pop into the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours for best results. Best eaten day after it has been made.
You can use ginger ale or similar to use over the sponge if you don't have enough of the cherry liquid from the frozen cherries.