Where to buy a pressure canner in New Zealand


There has been a big surge recently for us kiwis in going back to the old ways of preserving food. Currently finding where to buy a pressure canner in New Zealand has been a question asked in many online forums. Today I will show you what our current options are.

I have good news and bad news

The bad news first

Where to buy a pressure canner in New Zealand can be troublesome as there aren’t many options available to us. If you are lucky you might find one on Trademe or market place.

More recently there have been a few more new ones popping up on Trademe, but the price is quite steep.

You might find some very old versions of pressure canners that our mothers or grandmothers may have used. They can usually be found in op shops or online. However be sure to look into these well, do your research, and make sure it is in good working order. Pressure canners can be dangerous if not in good working condition or not used correctly.

From what I have seen there is currently only one store in New Zealand that is supplying. (Take a look HERE)

The good news

The good news is we can import them ourselves from Oz Farmer and they are a lot cheaper. When I got mine, they were great to deal with and it was quick to arrive. All up with shipping I paid roughly $500 NZ dollars (back in 2021). I got the Presto 23 quart (21 liters) and it has been brilliant and worth every penny spent.

The presto comes with everything you need to start your journey into the canning world. I recommend buying an extra seal and rack for your canner at the same time. It’s better to pay for the extra parts while you buying the canner. Therefore saving on more shipping costs later down the line. I neglected to do so and now regret that.

You also have the option of buying pressure canners from Amazon. As you can see their prices are amazing. However after conversion, it bumps it up quite a bit for us. It is however still the best option over buying in New Zealand.

There is also an All-American version of the pressure canner. They are quite a bit dearer and are a lot heavier to lift. Should you wish to look at one of these here they are.

Electric Pressure Canners

Presto has released an electric pressure canner and from my research, they are fast becoming a popular option overseas. I myself will be looking at getting one soon. I like the fact that you can set and more or less forget them. They don’t require as much babysitting as the stove top varieties.

One consideration however is the need to buy a converter to be able to use in New Zealand.


Other useful information for where to buy a pressure canner in New Zealand

As you can see, it is easy enough to purchase a pressure canner here in New Zealand. You will have to be prepared to spend a bit extra to ship it over. Although in the long run they will last for several years and are a great investment. It will no doubt save you money at the supermarket.

It gives you peace of mind being able to preserve your own food. This means you can rest that little bit more easily when times get tough. Preserving your harvests or simply buying in bulk while fruit and vegetables are in season saves money.

Take a look at my post about how to reduce your grocery bill. It includes information about preserving. In this three-part article, you will find 15 ways to save money at the grocery store.

Look out for a separate article on how to use a pressure canner and what type of equipment you need. I will make sure to include links here once they are up.

Also please follow me and subscribe to my Youtube channel. I will be filming a lot of pressure-canning videos and step-by-step guides.

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